Morphic Medical

Position Paper of Scientific Societies for Recommended Usage of Endoscopic Biliodigestive Diversion in Germany – DDG/DGAV/DGVS

Position Paper of Scientific Societies for Recommended Usage of Endoscopic Biliodigestive Diversion in Germany – DDG/DGAV/DGVS

Position Paper of Scientific Societies for Recommended Usage of Endoscopic Biliodigestive Diversion in Germany – DDG/DGAV/DGVS

We recommend consideration of the DJBS as a therapy alternative for the treatment of adult patients (minimum age: 18 years) with type 2 diabetes mellitus and overweight (BMI 30 – 45) when these patients cannot reach their individual therapy goals over a period of 3 to 6 months under the therapy algorithm in accordance with the National Disease Guideline for the therapy of type 2 diabetes (August 2013 – AWMF-Register No.: nvl-001 g).


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BBC News Item

DJBL for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity: EASD 2022